When your paid Osmosis subscription ends, you can still access your documents, notes, flashcards, questions, and any other resources that you’ve uploaded or created during your subscription.
What you won’t have access to once your paid Osmosis subscription ends:
Thousands of Osmosis videos, flashcards, questions, and references to other resources like Picmonic, SketchyMedical, and FirstAid.
Access to the Osmosis mobile app, including the ability to view videos, flashcards, and questions in offline mode.
Exclusive Osmosis videos and associated material, including (Cardiovascular Pathology Ebook)
Your customized study schedules for exams and Step 1
Over 27,000 multiple choice questions and flashcards supercharged with spaced repetition
Over 3,000 curated concept cards with videos, memory anchors, and reference articles
The ability to upload, search, and analyze your course materials
If you have questions or if you encounter any issues, please feel free to contact [email protected].