Select and Support your Student Admin
Identify one or more interested students at your school who can serve as an Osmosis Student Admin:
Student Admin responsibilities:
Lead a 30-minute onboarding training session for other students
Provide ongoing support for other students as they use Osmosis
Act as the main point of contact between the student community and the Institutional Partner to share feedback on effectiveness
Set a regular meeting and/or email check-ins between peer-educator(s) and your Osmosis point-of-contact.
Plan a presentation for students for the beginning of the school year, lead by peer-educator(s). If possible, record the presentation so that it can be shared afterward.
For the student presentation and other Osmosis-related communication with students, share Osmosis support resources, including including:
Our Med Student study guide: (Guides for students in other Health Professions are here.)
The related Science of Learning Video Playlist:
Articles from the Help Center about some of our most popular tools and resources, including: