Osmosis complies with all the legal requirements which apply to its collection, storage, retrieval and destruction of membership records. Deleting accounts can only be done by the Osmosis team. To read our complete privacy policy, click here.
If you would like your account to be removed from our database, simply send a message by clicking on the blue chat bubble or send an email to [email protected] along with the reason for the request.
Before you make this request, please note:
For multiple accounts, you can choose to merge instead of deleting your other accounts. For more details, on merging your accounts, please visit this link.
Once the request has been submitted it can take up to a month before it gets permanently removed from our system. You will also receive an email regarding your deletion request.
In the event that you changed your mind and want to keep your account, please send a message to [email protected] so we can remove it from the account deletion list.
Notifications and emails will not be sent out once your account has been removed.
All emails that have been deleted with your Osmosis account can no longer be used to sign up for an Osmosis account in the future.
If you have questions, feel free to send a message to [email protected].