Nursing school is challenging. In just a few years, you need to master the fundamentals of nursing care and learn how to apply that knowledge to provide the best care for your patients. With Osmosis, you'll have the tools you need to make that journey easier.
Enjoy 1,200+ nursing related-videos and over 500 essential sciences video that offer comprehensive coverage of:
Fundamentals of Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Pediatrics Nursing
Maternal Newborn Nursing
Nursing Pharmacology
Nursing Across the Lifespan
Health Assessment
Mental Health Nursing
Nursing Leadership and Management
Case Studies
The learn page navigation on the nursing product was built to reflect the needs of our nursing student users and nurse educators. This hierarchy organizes the pre-licensure nursing curriculum into Nursing Courses, Nursing Concepts, Nursing Series and Body Systems. Additional content a nursing student may use can be found under Essential Sciences, Professional Success, and Featured Series. Comprehensive medication tables, covering major medications and pharmacologic therapies, are also available as supplementary resources.
Test your understanding and feel more confident in your abilities with NCLEX®-RN-style questions that help you conquer exam stress:
4,300+ rigorously reviewed NCLEX-RN style questions with detailed answer explanations
Study the exact way you’ll be tested with question types that mirror what you’ll see on exam day: select all that apply, ordered response, hotspots, and more
Includes rationales for each answer option written and reviewed by nurse educators so you can solidify and reinforce your understanding
Make the most of your time with our top-rated Osmosis mobile app! The Osmosis app is perfect for students who are on the go and at the same time want a deeper understanding of nursing topics they encounter in nursing school, health care settings, and NCLEX. A lot of educators who want to bring innovative teaching tools into their curriculum also love using the mobile app!
Enjoy these RN Mobile App features and more:
View Osmosis videos with aligned questions, and medication tables on-the-go
Curate videos that you want to review by creating Playlists
Download videos and questions for offline use
Set the app in dark mode, and more
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