To track all the flashcards you've used in your Osmosis account, we’ve improved our Flashcard dashboard. Here’s how to find the flashcards scheduled for Spaced Repetition:
Select 'by Item' in your Flashcard Queue (accessed by clicking "See all" in your Saved Flashcards to learn more:
For each flashcard, this dashboard lists when you first consumed a flashcard (and therefore added it to your spaced repetition queue) AND when it's scheduled to return to your Daily Quiz via Spaced Repetition.
The 'sample card' below was consumed and added to Spaced Repetition on Jan 31 and is scheduled to return to my Daily Quiz on Feb 3.
To see a Beta Dashboard for everything in your Spaced Rep Queue, go here:
Total is the number of cards in that deck
Scheduled means they are actively in spaced rep (have been saved to the spaced rep queue)
Excluded means they were saved to spaced rep at one point but were marked “Do not repeat”
This Week means they are scheduled to be answered this week,
Overdue means they were scheduled in the past but the due date has passed
If a deck is not listed here, it has been archived which means the exam date has passed or the custom deck was archived.
To re-add a deck to Spaced Rep: If the deck is in a Workspace it needs to be moved to long-term repetition. If the deck is in Custom Decks it needs to be consumed in a Quiz.
If you encounter any problems or need further assistance, please use the blue chat bubble located on the lower right of the Osmosis website, or contact us at [email protected]. Happy learning!